The Lynne King Cancer Care Foundation is a charity working to help those with cancer. The charity is registered with the Australian Taxation Department and all donations of AUD $2 or more are fully tax deductible.
However, all those associated with the foundation, including the trustees, are volunteers and receive no payment, either direct or indirect, for their services.
All donations $2 and over are tax-deductible. A receipt will be issued upon payment.
Donate by Paypal
A safer way to donate money via Paypal.
Donate by Direct Deposit
Donations can be made direct to our bank account below:
Lynne King Cancer Care Foundation
BSB: 112 879
Account: 057 233 518
Please ensure you leave your name as a reference and send us an email to [email protected] with your address details so we can send you a receipt.
Please also make sure you let us know if your donation is in support of a particular cause we are fundraising for so we can make sure the monies are allocated to the correct areas.
Donate by Mail
Donation cheques or money orders can be mailed to:
Lynne King Cancer Care Foundation
PO Box 363, Macquarie Park NSW 1670