What helped me the most personally was the emotional support they gave me……….Reg was a great support, he’d been through it with his wife Lynne and knew what I was going through.
Kerri was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in April, 2012. Being the only income provider, and with 3 kids 11, 18 and 19 to support, the family was doing it tough as the bills started to pile up.
“In June last year I had to go in for a second operation. I had already used up all my sick leave and long service leave and my pay had been dropped by 25%. Then from August to February 2013 I couldn’t work at all while I went for Chemotherapy and Radiation treatment”. Said Kerry.
The foundation helped out by paying Kerri’s electricity and gas bills and by providing food and petrol vouchers to help them get by.
“The foundation is unbelievable when you are in dire straits. They also paid for a special compression bandage I needed for my arm because of lymphedema caused by the breast cancer.”
The monetary support the foundation provided to her and her family released the pressure valve of financial stress but it was the incalculable value of the emotional support that really helped Kerri during this distressing time.
“What helped me the most personally was the emotional support they gave me; always there to listen when I felt like a scream or a whinge. Reg was a great support, he’d been through it with his wife Lynne and knew what I was going through”.
Kerri returned to work in February, and in June 2013 received some very good news – she was given the all clear by her surgeon; her cancer was in remission.
“I can’t praise the Foundation enough for their help and my family and I thank you all so much for everything”.
It’s not often we get a story with a happy ending. We wish Kerri and her family continued wellness.