Thank you letter

Happy new year! We hope 2013 is a happy, healthy and positive year for you all.
I would like to start the year with a letter we received from the mother and daughter from the shire we have mentioned previously. It is so rewarding to receive letters like this and to know we can in some way help to ease or if not distract from their everyday battles with cancer.

"Looking back on the year that was 2012, it was filled with so much darkness and despair - until we met you. I wanted to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the love and kindness you have shown my daughter and I. You have reached out to us, during our crisis with cancer, extending a helping hand along our difficult journey.

You have such a kind heart, providing so much assistance along the way. What sticks in my mind the most is that you have given her the best Birthday present ever - an opportunity to meet her beloved Wiggles!

As you know, she has never celebrated a birthday outside of hospital in all her years on this Earth, as cancer has dominated her entire life. She has been fighting aggressive Stage IV Neuroblastoma since she was only 8 months old. So when you told us she was getting the chance to Meet and Greet The Wiggles for her 3rd birthday, we were over the moon! (To be honest, I was just as excited as she was!).

The Wiggles have provided her with hours of entertainment, joy and laughter - and most importantly, a much needed distraction from the pain and agony she feels on a daily basis from her cancer treatment and invasive hospital procedures.

The Wiggles are an escape from reality for her, where she can sing "Can You Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?" and "Rock-A-Bye Your Bear" to her heart's delight and do all the actions too alongside the Wiggles, Captain Feathersword, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Wags the Dog and Henry the Octopus. And boy oh boy does she love to shout "Wake up Jeff!"

The whole Wiggles experience blew me away - The Wiggles and their staff/management were so down-to-earth, accommodating and understanding of her serious illness, and made many exceptions to ensure she was at ease, happy and comfortable.

A special mention must be made to Anthony Field "Blue Wiggle" and Lachy Gillespie "New Purple Wiggle" for going that extra mile to make her smile and enjoy herself. Anthony was aware of how sick she was on the day, and ended up serenading her with "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" which made her precious little eyes light up with joy! Lachy too was ever so sweet to her, that by the end of the Meet and Greet, she was giving him gigantic cuddles that even mummy doesn't get! (I guess mummy needs to invest in a colourful skivvy!).

I've attached pictures of the day for you to see - a day we will both cherish forever.

We will never forget the thoughtfulness and caring nature of The Wiggles and you for making our dream come true - to meet, greet and sing with The Wiggles. Its people like you and The Wiggles that make me realise that angels really do exist on earth.

With thanks"
